By Douglas Zimmerman
Welcome to my art site.
And thank you for taking the time to view it.
It's been a long journey, as many years ago I stopped oil painting. Even stopped drawing...
It was right around when COVID hit, I was preparing for a show with Pleiades Gallery in the Chelsea District of Manhattan. And Bam! The world changed. Once again and so it goes...
I destroyed many of my paintings, questioning their value; and heck, what could I do with all of them? So, like a sand painting, I wisped many of them away. Fortunately, many of them wound up in hospitals and even shelters in New York City, so that was nice.
Initially, dread was in the air.
But as my mother and father and good friends and mentors taught me – quick shout outs to Ruth Zimmerman and Stuart Zimmerman and to Norman Durkee 1 and Tony Frere 2 – just take care of business was the implied message. Have a blast if you can. But take care of business.
And slowly, I, we, all, recovered and began anew.
For me, I was very busy with my psychotherapy practice and academia, papers, talks, and such. And, with my wife, well – we were raising our new child! My parents were dying, and my child was growing.
And through the ups and through the downs, I drew. I drew a lot!!! The sense of wonder had returned.
Then, I started thinking about translating these drawings, sketches, and studies into big oil paintings.
I will do this before I die.
But, first, perhaps some small ones, and we’ll see.
So, this site offers a glimpse into my mind when it comes to this particular art form. I know I can't capture the vibrancy of oil paint on a large canvas with pencil on paper (enclosed herein).
So, for that, I ask you to appreciate, or not, what is in front of you. Or use your imagination to transcend the physical. I hope you enjoy exploring my artistic journey. And, truly, from my heart– thanks for taking the time.
Douglas Zimmerman
1 Durkee, Norman. Sonic Landscapes: A Musical Exploration. New York: iUniverse, 2007.
2 Frere, Tony. “The History of Television Production: Lessons from the Frontline.” Television Studies
Journal 12, no. 3 (2019): 45-60

Canvas & Film
paintings, drawings, sketches, and short films (coming soon).